Elements created to help brand the 2016 NBC World Series. I designed all digital graphics and print materials and operated all social media accounts from April 2016 to December 2016. We created several weekly features to draw attention to our brand and create excitement and anticipation for the tournament. During the 16-day, 57-game tournament, I had many tasks. On top of doing all the graphic design, social media and website updates, I also worked as the Media Coordinator for all the press. Additionally, I conducted post-game player interviews, along with other "inside" content for the fans and featured them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Regarding social media, I was responsible for gathering content—video, photos & copy, writing content for posts, as well as posting them myself. Leading up to the tournament and during the series we had a severe increase in our social media presence.

Facebook: National Baseball Congress World Series
Twitter: @nbcbaseball
Instagram: @nbcbaseball

Click on the links below to view other materials I designed:

2016 NBC World Series Party Packet

2016 NBC World Series Program

2017 NBC Development Plan

2017 NBC Sponsorships Packages

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Graphics created to create engagement and excitement on social media in the months leading up to the tournament. We did a countdown once 30 days out. Had a quote of the week, testimonies from players or managers and highlighted the teams who would be competing in the tournament once a week. Below is a small sample:

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